Friday, February 18, 2011

Beam me up, Scotty

@scottyroo, I see several of your posts on music forums.

Can you drop me an email to "DelphiHaters" (at) You can air your grievances and I'll write-up an article on it.


scottyroo said...

you pretty much covered it with the don't mk your customer article. i've also posted all my info on delphi and 64 bit on the synthtopia forums. i've also included a link to your site and article.

sadly image-line as a company has a lot more problems then just 64 bit and delphi. and you touched on it in your article. it's crazy how far they went to silence me. it took several image hosts, forums and constant pleading to finally get someone to listen. i'm thankful you and synthtopia allowed me to air my concerns and opinions.

Delphi Haters said...

hi Scotty Roo,

I did some checking with FL Studio...

Briefly -
- No Zipping of any project more than 4 gigs, Zipping does not work with Unicode filenames,

- No loading of any sound track with Chinese, Korean or non-English filenames, inability to enter anything that is non-English without it turning to rubbish.

- Mixing problems,

- Fidelity issues,

- I immediately hit the 4 gigs limitation in 15 minutes.

--- is this what you faced?

I need your contact info because I'm writing a review on it

Delphi Haters said...

- Problems with plug-ins, it keeps crashing or stability issues.

- It loads and unloads many, many libraries, such as Intel Primitive Library, DirectX, Ogg, Asio, DSP and others.

- Some of the DLLs have not been updated since 1999...