Friday, March 12, 2010

Death by Subscription

How to kill a product
Your reviewer was looking at what was wrong with Delphi, analyzed the scenarios, and wondered about it.

Feels like a massive delusion
Let me put this out of context and change topic to developing a house. Since many people buy houses, the value is in selling the picks, shovels and materials to build the house.

Business model:
a) Buy raw materials (computers, other software), tools (compiler, components, libraries) and people (developers) to build houses (applications).

b) Houses can be built from many different tools and raw materials. In similar fashion, they can be built using PHP, ASP (Software as a Service) and traditional brick & mortar (Delphi, C++).

c) The problem with Delphi, is the incredible amount of libraries being offered and ever-increasing costs. With other languages, they are free (PHP, Perl, Ruby, etc) or lower costs (Visual Studio)

Suppose you develop houses and the people started to get expensive and tools starts to get expensive. What happens next? You either start to save on people (reduce headcount) or tools (reduce tools to buy). The tool-vendors start to wise-up and start to introduce subscription model to make-up for lost monies.

With this subscription model:
a) You become at mercy of the vendors. While the vendors get annual income, to ensure good product, the complete opposite occurs. Many of them become complacent, don't bother too much to listen to customer issues, oh, features get introduced next year, so the subscription cycle continues.

b) They forget that anyone can cancel their subscription at any times. When they cancel, it's probably due to very poor product or in some cases, near-fraud-quality. If their product was based on normal sales and upgrade cycle, the product would perform much, much worse. (Hence the "whole subscription idea").

c) Most of the costs are getting ridiculous and more ridiculous. Delphi costs Euros 4,000. Step outside the box:

Reality vs. Delusion
Let's think outside the box. If the people are truly rich and successful, there would be many 3rd party paid offerings and continual developments...

- If someone can honestly say they can create a wonderful IntraWeb website, we would have hundreds of websites. and vibrant IntraWeb community, not some secretive newsgroup and not even a single person willing to vouch for an IntraWeb site. (Maybe it's because of the Serial Number embedded as a HTTP header on an IntraWeb site.)

- If someone can say they love Delphi, why can't they get a decent Delphi job? Or maybe an employer to offer Delphi jobs? Surely, if it is true, then Delphi must be some kind of wonderful "secret". Maybe in reality the people are bleeding money and Delphi developers cannot even find one single job near their place.

- When your reviewer told about "brotherly love" (not the gay kind, meaning, to give welfare to another person, such as, employing the Delphi developer even in hard times), your reviewer was looking and saw only him as one such person, when there are many in "other" non-Delphi communities. Hey buddy, can you spare me a job?

- When your reviewer talked about costs, everyone switches off their ears and only think benefits without thinking about costs. So when the application does not make much money, well, it's all Delphi 100% and we must use it. But wait. Who pays the bills if there is no money coming in? There's this big mortgage and big loan from the bank to pay off. Maybe living in a tent is a good idea.

- When someone criticizes about Delphi, remember many years ago, the same people were the ones who sold you thousands and thousands of dollar's worth of useless (and worthless) products, then now heap scorn on you. Remember that those who recommended many things now tell you are nothing but a worthless person who does not know how to program... but wait. Maybe it's the other way round. These fat greedy people are trying to "protect" their turf and do the same and same year in, year out. What's the difference?

- Can someone honestly tell why there are so many free 3rd party PHP scripts, Python, Perl scripts and why almost everything is pay-ware in Delphi? Maybe it's because oh, PHP is a crap language and full of garbage, or maybe Python and Perl is hard to understand... or maybe it's because the owners of Delphi have nothing to sell and keep increasing prices and prices. The cash-cow is nearly dead.

- Can someone honestly tell why Delphi developers are using PHP WordPress, PhpBB, Yabb, Inversion Board, VBulletin instead of pure 100% Delphi solution? Maybe it's because, oh, err, PHP is a better solution, Perl is a much better solution.

- Can someone honestly tell why I should accept poor documentation when PHP, Perl and others have excellent documentation? Maybe it's because they have hundreds of writers who can devote their time.

- Can someone honestly tell me why I should pay for a Delphi compiler to do open-source, when PHP, Perl, Visual Studio Express is free? I can download PHP, Perl, Ruby right now and not pay for it.

Hello World v2.0
Your reviewer was looking at the whole Delphi business model of subscriptions.

In order to develop one product, maybe thousands of dollar's worth of costs must be paid to develop it. What if the product fails? The vendors still want their money.

This subscription model will mean:

a) It becomes an annual 'fixed cost' with resale value of US$0. Suppose you buy a product at US$5,000 and after a year, it becomes US$0 cost and you have to buy it again and again every year. How would you feel?

b) The 3rd party vendors will get less and less money as they get squeezed out. Newer players cannot offer

c) Between Borland, components and manpower, magazines such as TDM, Delphi Magazine got squeezed out because there is not even a single cent for magazine subscription. The vendors, employees took all the money.

d) The ridiculous happened - Delphi 10 Handbook with advertisements from other vendors!

Is Delphi Dead?
So the essential question is: "Is Delphi Dead?". That question should be answered as: Do you want to enroll into multiple subscriptions to keep Delphi alive?

The day you stop paying is the day you stop getting updates. Maybe that's what Delphi feels like to many developers - that old dusty box on the shelf, with the developer who brought it paid for by half his life - all the subscriptions and payments could have gone into other things in life.

For those who criticize and offend the Delphi developers, their insults and personal attacks are recorderd forever on every newsgroup archives. There is no forgiveness, no redemption. Just google for "Simon Kissel" or "Frank De Groot" on Google groups or Tamaraka newsgroup archives for benefit of doubt.

Life after Delphi will mean cutting off all those subscriptions and separation from those hypocrites. Maybe it should be better that the new developers do not use Delphi at all, to spare them of all this torture.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Delphi 2011 - Beta Leaks

Your reviewer was amused over "URL links" to download beta version of Delphi, "Fulcrum". Since there will be a supposed public beta-test, maybe this information is irrelevant.

Here are some suggestions to prevent leaks:
a) When making a beta site download link, remember to put a user-specific login/password link to download. Meaning: You make a password protected site to download the stuff, but do not make password-protected links. Make it GEO-IP protected, so the last IP downloaded are known. For example, someone in USA should not be downloading from China. :)

Some clarification:
- There's a login/password to HTTP web pages download links
- There is no login/password to download the Beta files
There should be login/password to download the Beta files.

b) Make people understand they will lose their BETA rights if they blog about it and even get prosecuted if they leak out links.

[Corrections: Clarification added]

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Reading tea leaves - Delphi 2011 or maybe Delphi 2010 update 8/9

Delphi 2011 to include MacOSX, Linux platform, on Windows:
Your reviewer was looking at this post by David Intersimone from Add-in-Express blog. I am surprised David keeps saying "compiler" without "IDE", new "VCL".

Your reviewer found out why. Marco Cantu's Delphi 2010 book, quotes:
"Despite three versions, Kylix never caught on, because of some instability of IDE. That's probably one reason why Embarcadero mentioned its future cross-platform versions of Delphi will use the Windows IDE and let developers cross-compile to other operating systems."

That means, use back same old IDE but generate a MacOSX or Linux ELF file from Windows and (probably) do remote debugging to debug it.

Where's 64-bits?
From the road-map, maybe the next version of Delphi will come out in 2012 and then maybe Delphi/64 in Delphi 2013 or 2014... Of course, your reviewer could be wrong, but playing devil's advocate:

a) There is completely no blog, no article, no post from Embarcardero's website about 64-bit assembly, 64-bit stacks, 64-bit X64 instruction set usage (sneak-peek previews)

b) There are no 64-bit details from those who know, such as Marco Cantu's blog, Winds of Wings, etc.

c) There is no decent documentation for x64-bit handling.

d) Looking at how lonely Rudy Third Dental Probe Third Rail for Ruby newsgroup, Delphi for PHP newsgroup and Delphi for NET newsgroup has been, it probably means poor sales. If this new MacOSX (32-bit only, assuming) and Linux (32-bit-only) bombs or still results in poor sales...

... there may never be a Delphi/64 because there is not enough money to finance it ... and the Delphi people are really sick of paying for subscriptions, upgrades.

RentACoder review - the money-back guarantee

The reason why sites like RentACoder exists, is because of this problem about "cheat" and "fraud". In this case, Cheat, Fraud and Lying Delphi developers.

Most Delphi developers complain there are no jobs. The reality seems to be, they (or their friends) sucked-up all the money and left the owners (of companies, investors) high-and-dry.

Just think for yourself. For C/C++/C#, you require some level of formal training. If you don't have the skills, the first week, you get kicked out (that's why most Delphi developers have problems adjusting to C/C++). The next week, assuming you survive the first week, your own skill-set and quality matter. That means only qualified, professional C/C++ developers need apply.

It's different with Delphi
Delphi is different case. You can almost bullshit your way to a finished working product. You can rip-off DevExpress, Raize, and TMS components to build a frankenstien application. The usual end-result is a poorly crafted application with shoddy and slipshod work.

When all the money is spend, and no money is earned, then the whole business collapse, these Delphi developers gets laid-off, looking to rip-off the next business.

Why does this happen:
1) the dot-com of 2000, 2005. Most developers were supposedly valuing themselves 80k, 100k, 120k, but... it seems their work is maybe worth US$1k. or maybe a pile of garbage without any quality control and testing.
2) Most developers lack formal training (what training?), lack even basic bachelor's degree in computer science.
3) The collect money and then suck the client high and dry tactic. Then claim bankruptcy and chapter 11, and then investors get pennies off every dollar. This was popular until GW Bush came changes laws so it would be harder to shake-off debt. Before this, you could get only US$1 out of every US$1000. Suppose someone borrows US$1,000,000 and then pays back only US$1,000 in the bankruptcy court. This is how many corporations supposedly went bankrupt and investors got peanuts. After the GW Bush ruling, it became so hard to shake-off debt, it could be one of the reasons for this sub-prime mortgage mess.

Best example: Delphi developer borrows US$500,000 under a corporation, then cites distress and files bankruptcy. Since it's a dot-com, the bank only could possibly recover US$20,000. With the new bankruptcy law, the bank and other investors files counter-claims and recovers US$450,000 instead.

Personally, I think this is one of the best laws G.W. Bush signed when he was president. Since this law was signed, most business people are more conservative in hiring and spending (and more liberal in laying-off, firing and pointing blame). This affects people who are deemed unprofitable and unnecessary.

Sloppy Delphi Developers need not apply.
Since RentACoder operates in USA, they are subject to USA law, so you do not need to go down to China or India. That means you save costs on China operations, only paying what is needed, not more additional not needed things, such as rent, gifts or that casual bribe to make sure everything work. That also means, things are written down and for those not familiar with Chinese or Hindi, you'll be surprised most Chinese and Indians speak English well. (otherwise, how did they find out about RentACoder?).You can enforce basic rules, such as quality assurance, which they seems to be infamous for. This leads to threats of quitting, or increase in salaries, or some kind of unnecessary additional costs. Instead of indirect threats, you can get a RentACoder arbitrator to see your claims and requests and then, if the project fails, you can move the project to next person without fuss. Some may say, that's no way how to treat an owner or investor - but if you see on other side, owners pay good money for good work, not the other way around. Notably, in India, when things get bad, it's always a case of sour grapes and loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars. With RentACoder, you can outsource your project to many people, so losses are limited.

Corruption not here
The most interesting aspect of RentACoder is direct pricing and proof of work. If you went to, say, China, you'll find 2 quotes - one for mainlanders and one for foreigners. The mainlanders pay 10% of costs, the foreigners pay 400% and get ripped off. Since there are no protections (or few) for foreigners, that leads to rising costs or some kind of delays or more and more delays. The end result feels like the kind of goods that are shipped from China. With RentACoder, since there are many people bidding for your job, you can award it to the lowest price and acceptable quality.

For example, Indians pay other Indians Rupees 4,000 (US$80) a month. But they charge Foreigners R120,000 (US$2,600) a month for hiring. That's why you see this ridiculous pricing all over the place and how they can afford to go so cheap. It's same also for China developers. They charge Yuan 20,000 (US$3,000) a month for foreigners, but their own mainlanders, they charge Yuan 300 (US$80) a month. That's why you see this very odd news about China supposedly raising minimum wages or that odd Indian developer complaining about low wages.

For benefit of doubt, check the local newspapers, such as Akila Daily, Sandesh (Gujarat region in India), Kerala Kaumudi (in Kerala, India), Sina jobs to name a few.

Prompt work
With your own development team, there is this sticky issue about prompt work, or getting things done at a certain date, time. It's always deadlines slipping to next month, to next month, maybe you should go on vacation for 2 years and come back it's still not complete. With RentACoder, if this happens, bring the project to arbitration and get a full refund, or parts of it. In most cases, the person normally loses whole project (which is a good thing, since cheat and lying causes them to lose the arbitration).

Cheat, Lying and Fraud Prevention
Your reviewer, using RentACoder, won nearly every dispute there is. It was simple:
a) Get everything down in writing. Since most developers are "deaf" on ICQ/MSN/Skype, it helps to get everything in writing.
b) Get end results clear and explained. Even simple things get so screwed-up.
c) Explain in detail how work should be done.

No Third Party and GPL Trash
The no-third-party and no GPL codes means that they have to do work, instead of giving you a 1/2 baked 3rd party component, or some GPL codes re-made for you. Since everything is in writing, that means, less chances for the person to cheat you out, or change subjects or simply take your money and do nothing. It's amazing how some people claim they are so religious, so pious and do such things.

No Plagiarism
Since RentACoder enforces people to use their own works, that means less likely for someone to "bait and switch" and you require massive amounts of money to buy 101 (or maybe 1001) components and poor quality plumbing codes (like toilet paper).

Newsgroup Attacks
Since everything is in writing and there is proof, the chances of newsgroup insults and attacks is much less. It's amazing how childish some developers are, after a relationship soured.

Amazing Advanced Fees 
The amazing thing about Delphi developers is this advanced-fee mentality. Like you need to pay 20% upfront and then get 0% results. Or like you need to pay 40% and get 0 % results. With RentACoder, that's a thing of the past. With RentACoder's escrow, they only get paid when they do 100% of the works, and to your satisfaction. That means the cheating, lying and fraud Delphi developers don't normally hang-around on RentACoder.

Work Done?
Your reviewer sees a double-edge sword. As the Internet grows more and more prevalent, it means bad, lying and cheating Delphi developers will have less and less chance to take more victims, and also, Delphi developers to make a living.
For those unfortunate developers, it's time to switch careers, give it up, and maybe, start thinking about all those people they ripped-off.

The Kaman Saga
Your reviewer was looking at Kaman's RentACoder blog and wanted to ask Mr. Kaman:
a) Show me one good memory checker that shows OLE memory leaks.
b) Show me one good project Kaman did.

Quotable Quotes
Conversation with a cheat -
CheatingDelphiDeveloper: I want 20% or US$1,000 of the project before I start work.
DelphiHater: Why don't we do it on RentACoder?
CheatingDelphiDeveloper: I don't do my business on RentACoder.
DelphiHater: Why?
CheatingDelphiDeveloper: If I lose arbitration, I lose the money
DelphiHater: But that's my money, and I need some guarantee for money back.
CheatingDelphiDeveloper: F*****
DelphiHater: I'm being professional to you (CheatDelphiDeveloper). If you cannot guarantee quality of your work and integrity of your work, I can find another Delphi developer to do my work. By the way, if you think your 40 poorly designed forms is worth US$5,000 you can dream-on.

Conversation with a fraud -
FraudDelphiDeveloper: I prefer we do our business off-site and off RentACoder.
DelphiHater: I do my business over RentACoder, is there something wrong?
FraudDelphiDeveloper: The business plan you provided requires US$2,500 in costs before I start work (or move my butt around). Either you can give the money or we part ways.
DelphiHater: Please leave. I have no business for you.

Circa 1998 - before RentACoder
ThiefDelphiExpert: I'm an expert Delphi developer and you can pay me US$4,000 a month to do my works.
DelphiHater: I've wired over US$4,000 for this months work.
(4 weeks later)
ThiefDelphiExpert: I'm almost done, but I need another US$4,000 for next month's work.
DelphiHater: I've wired over US$4,000 for this months work.
(4 weeks later)
ThiefDelphiExpert: I'm almost done, but I need another US$4,000 for next month's work.
DelphiHater: I've wired over US$4,000 for this months work.
(4 weeks later)
After 3 months - no results, that Delphi developer walked away with over US$12,000 and no work done. (Maybe DelphiLover overnight became DelphiHater.)

PlagarismDelphiExpert: I present to you my finished product, (product).
DelphiHater: What's this watermark or notices from (software) software?
PlagarismDelphiExpert: Don't worry about it. It's nothing much
DelphiHater: (Click button to go into arbitration)
End result: PlagarismDelphiExpert lost arbitration, gets kicked out of site after insulting one of the arbitrators.

LazyDelphiExpert: I will take 1 month, with so-and-so deliverable.
DelphiHater: I've placed money in Escrow.
(One month and 2 weeks pass)
DelphiHater: Hello? Anybody in?
DelphiHater: (Click button to go into arbitration)
End result: LazyDelphiExpert lost arbitration, gets kicked out of site after losing too many arbitration (more like 10)

AliasDelphiUser: I will take 3 weeks, with so-and-so deliverable.
DelphiHater: I've placed money in Escrow.
(2 weeks pass)
Project automatically goes into arbitration -
End result: AliasDelphiUser lost arbitration, gets kicked out of site for creating duplicate accounts.

I would say opposite of Kaman's review of RentACoder and they do protect both buyers and sellers. Once your reviewer got busy and forgot about RentACoder and got into arbitration, but paid-up on-time to prevent default.