Friday, November 21, 2008

Jedi, an expensive hobby.

Being Delphi Jedi knight is expensive now-a-days.

Delphi costs US$899 and S&H and applicable taxes.

Now suppose you had US$899 to burn, what would you spend it on? In this day and age, US$899 would probably buy 40 trips of fuel (depending on price) or say, around a month's living expenses.

Would you spend US$899 and US$399 every year to do charity work? Php is free, Visual Studio Express is free, and so on...

Maybe I'll just save the money and use C# and VB.NET instead. It's pretty good, btw. At least I can learn something and get good job. Have you heard of any good Delphi jobs lately? I haven't.

Delphi 2007 update plan

From the newsgroups:

Hi guys.
Have Codegear a plan to lauch a new update for Delphi and Delphi.NET 2007 ? It´s absurd that your clients need to buy a D2009 and Prism to corret problems of a older version, right? We have HUGE problems with 2007 IDE ... more on .NET . Problems with generics thats disappears, IDE hangs after code completion in a generic object, big memory usage , slow switch beetwen design and source code ...

TeamB replies:

Now that 2009 has been officially released, I doubt 2007 wil get any more updates.

Why? That is how most software vendors work. Once a new version is released, older versions are no longer maintained, unless they use different architectures that have to continue being maintained in parallel.

Customer reply:It seems incredibly unfair of CodeGear to say "Thanks for the money, but no more bug-fixes for you."