Thursday, July 8, 2010

QA Dept: in Denial? in denial?
Your reviewer was looking at the site "" and there was a big "No" sign.

Is Delphi Dead? Let's take a look at the site:

The site is hosted in Linux with Apache. Along with that site, the person also uses PHP and WordPress.

The owner is a Delphi developer.

Here's how to make a real site:
1) Use IntraWeb or use the depreciated WebSnap
2) Use AnyDac, or Unidac or ElevateDB or Absolute Database or NexusDB for that authentic(tm) Delphi experience.
3) Use Windows, preferably Windows 2008 Enterprise server.

And there are 10 reasons why such site is not possible:
1) IntraWeb costs 599 Euros per year. To date, very few people have paid for it, or else there would be thousands of IntraWeb-made websites. Try making a professional site with database connection instead of just one-page site.

2) AnyDac or Unidac or ElevateDB or Absolute Database or AidAim Client/Server will set you back at least US$299. You'll probably need an ElevateDB server (US$729) or AidAim Client/Server solution so that might stretch you back US$800 or more. Remember, the 2nd year upgrade costs 10%-20% of the price paid and there could be more costs you have to pay and pay.

You could use MSSQL, but wait! There's Interbase if you can get it secured correctly, either use FIB, UIB or IBX or Unidac or AnyDac or something to connect to it securely...

3) Hosting costs. Having dedicated server boxes will set you back at least US$200 a month. For the ultimate surfing experience, such a person wanting to prove "Delphi is Alive" should go with multiple dedicated servers instead of virtual or shared hosting.

4) For the hip experience, you would probably need to license TMS IntraWeb Component Pack to get those good explorer bars, menus and grids. That will set you back E195 or E395 (site license).

5) The development might need some extra help, so multiply Delphi costs with all those above components, you get wonderful bill before the first site is up.

6) The fun part:
a) Since Torry's ( uses PHP and HTM,
b) Since DelphiPages uses ASP.NET (formerly Cold Fusion),
c) AToZEd's website uses ASP.NET

why bother use Delphi to craft the web-based GUI?

7) Which forum made in Delphi (or built with Delphi) should I use?

8) To please those hard-core fans, we should use Delphi-only components and parts. Free Pascal or Java back-end looks fake (it is after all - a Delphi is Alive site).

9) Make a startup company called "Delphi is Alive" "startup" company. Solicit money from the community to pay for this site. You should get thousands and thousands of dollars from hard-core fans and Delphi-forever developers who insist on Delphi purity. In reality how much money will you get?

10) Cheers, mate, you did the impossible and launched the world's first 100% pure Delphi is alive site with superb web-pages generated using IntraWeb, powered by either NexusDB or UniDac/Interbase, got several people to maintain the site (and paid good salaries too), insisted each line and each library is pure Delphi codes, and gotten thousands of Dollars in funding for keeping the Spirit of Delphi. There should be special commendation in Embarcadero's website for this effort !

Your reviewer looks forward to see such a site.
Alas, there is none out there.


Anonymous said...

"AToZEd's website uses ASP.NET"

You didn't look very far..... But I guess getting basic facts right don't support your mission of hate.. so.......

Atozed's site does NOT use ASP.NET.. It uses both IntraWeb and IntraWeb Studio.

Delphi Haters said...

Mike, did you try Visual Studio 2010 and latest tools?

You could build a 300-page website and maintain it without much coding.

Delphi Haters said...

I wanted to tell, if Delphi is not dead, they should use it to make Web applications.

It seems this is not the case. Everyone uses something else rather than Delphi.

Anonymous said...

I really can't see why people request web apps from software which create Windows Executables.

Delphi's main focus is desktop applications and it does that pretty well. I see web as something extra.

And if we were to look at things in the same way you do, then can you tell me some known desktop software written in PHP?

Anonymous said...

It's true that the owners (since Borland got infected by some antitrust practices) had been trying so hard to destroy the product, many users still feel they had been abandoned.

Since the beginning Delphi was meant to be for Desktop applications and focused it's easing on DB applications.

You can do Server apps and CORBA applications, apache modules and ISAPI filters (but they haven't supported it on ages *the magical year*), you can make plug-ins, etc.

You can get the web inside desktop applications thanks to the modern browsers like IE, Mozilla and Chrome (yes, you can make dynamic html pages and javascript injection).

You can see many applications made in delphi around there like Spybot-Search and destroy, Game Maker or fruity loops.
Not everything in the world can be web... by now.

The license modes are too expensive for most developers, but if you got Delphi 7, you can still develop applications on Windows 7.

Anonymous said...

Respectfully... this post is a waste of time to read.

Using this example to support your hate for Delphi is absolutely weak. Although with Delphi and tools built around Delphi you can create a website it does not reflect on whether Delphi is dead because the owner isn't using Delphi for his web site.

Most Delphi developers would tell you to NOT use Delphi to build a web site.

However I would feel totally comfortable building a web service or REST based service using Delphi in a heartbeat to feed clients wanting to data they need.

Very WEAK argument!

HOWEVER... if you were to say an ASP.NET Lover has a website that is not developed using .NET now that would be saying something since ASP.NET was BUILT for web developing.

Delphi Haters said...

Did you see the new IntraWeb XE which requires more payment to create an ISAPI website?



Anonymous said...

<< Did you see the new IntraWeb XE which requires more payment to create an ISAPI website? >>

I have no argument there... Anyone asking me would I use Delphi or any tools designed for web development in Delphi I would say absolutely NOT.

Again... a web service or REST based service I would do without hesitation.

Web sites... NO!

I am still waiting for a solid RAD based system for web type development. Microsoft has not nailed it yet.

Programlayan said...

Use Delphi for PHP :)

you do not need intraweb etc. also intraweb is not de facto on delphi way.

I hate also visual studio + development, i could not edit user management subsystem, do not join 2 databases into 1, and publishing a project to a 3rd party hosting company is nightmare.

Finally if you need a database driven web site use, PHP + mysql, do not be an idiot :)