Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Embarcadero Technologies Anagram

Your reviewer was reading The Da Vinci Code and wondered if there was real-life conspiracy?

Could it be EMBARCADERO TECHNOLOGIES is an anagram for "A BORLAND HERETIC EGO COMES" and the sudden departure of Nick Hodges be the work of FreePascal users? There's a Masonic Wheeler posting here and there... Don't be surprised there's also an albino person lurking around the newsgroups too...

Maybe the holy grail is the hidden 64-bit compiler? When it comes in Sept 2012, it will be few more months before the end of the world...



Anonymous said...

No, no... it's all abouth MacOs & multiplatforms compiler!
well... I said too much... :)

Anonymous said...

Well, I think you missed the obvious.

The only thing CodeGear was recently successful in is "Marketing for .NET". The rest of the company is just distraction.

You can see their success in the Dev-Community: Lots of talking about .NET and absolutely nobody in a Delphi-Forum is talking about JAVA.

Also this 64-bit thing is just a running gag (like QC).

It would be bad for Microsoft if all those Malware writers could easily recompile their crap for 64-bit.

All in all MS is probably the main source of income for Delphi...
And they're getting paid for
a) Marketing
b) Deployment of MS-DevTools (strange old .NET Versions, J#, ...) to Developer-PCs
c) not releasing a 64 bit compiler