Saturday, October 17, 2009

Vendor Fail

Your reviewer was thinking about some vendors who monitor rapidshare and other file-uploading websites. They would monitor them and then get the file deleted...

Here's an interesting suggestion, why not "do not" monitor them and allow unconditional downloading?

There's this thing called free-usage, you know, what the internet is? You give them all the months and months of hard work you did, only to get some technical support request on some warez forum, because your forum is filled with spam.

The people are asking, Request, this component, and it's your work. Should you allow them to have "unconditional and free access" to your months and months of work? They should be able to use it without problems, right?

The vendor there, didn't do such good job of testing, so the people who downloaded for free, they tested it well, and gave unbiased feedback. Like how it crashed, or how they replaced your components for another set of components, like your competitor's!, right!.

Or maybe, the vendor did not do such good job of documentation, and complain how the documentation is "pure garbage" and they needed to google around for answers. Or maybe there is simply no help files, no demos or nothing. Maybe some stupid DCUs nobody can even use.

Then, think about the costs. The vendor spend hours and hours writing the library, making component after component, and put a US$299 price tag for the library, which for some reason, nobody can seem to pay?

Then, think about it, the Euro 2599 cost for Delphi 2010, who is going to pay it? someone must have come up with the money to pay it... the rent for the vendor's house, or mortgage for the vendor's house?

Maybe it's time to have a hard look around, and maybe start considering another market, another job..., oh wait, maybe there's money from free, like:

1,000 downloads x 0 paid customers = US$0
10,000 rapidshare downloads x 0 paid customers = US$0

The components are free! The vendor is getting lots of unpaid customers but, zero paid customers!

Example Needs
Your reviewer was looking at "very urgent" need for BIDI (Bi_Directional) input, but sadly, none of the current developers, from DevExpress, TMS and even LMD do not have it. Why? Because none of those asking for it are willing to pay for it. No pay, no components.

Another example, is some funny times-table component, which is custom-made string-grid with custom-draw in it. Help me! I need this free of charge, can you help me? I won't even pay you for it, I'll spit on you when done, you won't even get any profits from the final work. :)

Another example, is Explorer Shell Namespace (Namespace) Integration. It's really easy in C++, but hard to do in Delphi because nobody bothered to translate the headers from C++ to Delphi (probably because the former Jedi person who did it got insulted, personal attacks), and the Jedi team then stopped the C++ conversions and focus on Jedit Component Library and J-VCL.

More Examples
I really need AppControls Delphi 2009/Delphi 2010 edition, the same one DelphiHater reviewed*! ... (Maybe the reason why there is no AppControls is because the vendor has no money to pay for the original version and cannot release a Delphi 2009 edition).

I also need either VCLZip or some Zipping tool for Delphi 2009/2010 with sources please! Or maybe MadExcept for D2009/D2009, please help me!

Help-me, I very, very much need help for free libraries and components, to build my product that sells for thousands of dollars, but nothing I will ever pay!

[* Your reviewer updated AppControls to D2009/D2010]

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