Friday, October 16, 2009

QA Dept: Skype review

Your reviewer had an itch for some VOIP ideas, so decided to look around.

The famous Skype uses:

Delphi 2007,
- TNT Controls, such as TNT Menus, TNTWideStrings, TNTShapeLabel, TNTLabel, TNTEdit, TNTRichEdit, TNTRegistry,

- Jedi Security Library, (some Jedi libs, like Windows Address Book interface; not all)

- TuboPower Abbrevia, ZLib 1.2.3

- Akadia XML (Freeware with sources)

- Indy, MD5, SHA, FGIntRSA (Part of Indy)

- Alcinoe CPUID

- Indy modified with ZeroC's ICE communication (
[Did you see their forum, people were begging for a Delphi edition, but with no Delphi sales, no Delphi version :)]

- Global Sound library


- Older versions of Skype "used" to use Julian's WPTools, maybe it got replaced with Unicode TRichEdit.

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