Sunday, October 18, 2009

Perhaps an end...


I am going on long journey and new job, new life, and all the old, this Delphi thing, i looked back at it, and looking forward at my new job, i can perhaps, forget about the old.

It had to come to an end somewhere, it was pointless to constantly complain about Delphi. The newer things, SilverLight, ASP.NET, C#, Cloud computing, have all taken over Delphi...

New developments are all C#, Java, PHP, Python, JavaScript, SQL, all server based, cloud-computing.

Does it matter at end of day? Only those who have means and money to finance the next round of software matter. Those who do not, just have to shut-up.

There are few jobs-openings in Delphi, there are few expert job openings in Delphi, only new job-openings are in C++ and NET... Even to write a basic website is in C#/Java/PHP/Perl/Python/RubyOnRails. Even to write a good game needs either DarkBasic or Visual C++ with Torque Engine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey im not sure if this helps on the job front or not but, This is the company that i learned about delphi from. Of course i only bothered to learn it so i can find information leading to OSX VERSION ONE DAY.