Thursday, September 11, 2008

The biggest problem with IntraWeb

was playing around with IntraWeb lately and found the biggest problems with IntraWeb:

1) erm, the delphi software engineer made this really cool site, and needs to integrate the site with a web-template so the site looks even cooler.

a) need to put this template into IntraWeb.
b) struggle around to find some HTML add-on or IntraWeb component which allows free-flow template (left, right, top, bottom) around the IntraWeb controls.
c) Tell boss that it would take a month to do it, and give no results later on.

2) Tried using frames, but found out Frames were not supported so well.

3) Tried to integrate php or asp web-pages with IntraWeb but IntraWeb wouldn't play fair and ignore the integration. I mean, deep integration, like, can a PHP webpage click call an IntraWeb click and show something on Web-Grid?

4) Find how how suckky and bad the graphics for IntraWeb is. The IntraWeb web-grid looks really bad compared to the ASPX NET grids.

5) is there any site that uses IntraWeb you know of, that's used a lot?
can you also tell me the website other than atozed's website? i couldn't find any that's publicly available. Everyone said it's "confidential". (See #6)

6) Why is the IntraWeb serial number exposed on every-web-page of the web-page ??
META Name="GENERATOR" content="IntraWeb v8.XX.XX Serial XXXXXXXX"


Anonymous said...

Atozed's website do not use IntraWeb now.

Anonymous said...

It uses IntraWeb Studio + IntraWeb.

Anonymous said...

Get your copy of Morfik 3 instead.