Thursday, September 11, 2008

Website Obituary -

The first website obituary goes to Athrasoft, maker of SmartPlugin Library for Delphi.

from 2001/Dec - 2008/aug

This website was up and running for seven years, the owners probably wasted (US$30 * (12 * 7)) or US$2520 on webhosting fees. Since it supports Delphi 5 to Delphi 2007, the owners probably wasted around (US$2000 + (US$800 * 4)) US$5200 on Delphi itself.

Smart-Plugin stymied by BPL issues.

Each version of Delphi, the BPLs are very specific to each version of Delphi. Borland's BPLs are different from DLLs in the sense they contain run-time information. The trouble starts when you compile different versions of components or libraries and want to share them across BPLs. You have to program use BPLs for the whole product to be compatible.

In the end, you ship whole load of BPLs into your program.

But wait. There are many tutorials to write your own plug-ins found on the Internet, so you could write your own plug-in system and no need Smart-Plug-in.

Since most of the plug-in knowledge is available, Smart-Plugin died slow death.

Article update #1:
1) The website now goes to a C# consultancy business now.

Article update #2 - March 2013
2) Prices for ISP hosting is at 2001 - 2008 estimated prices. Prices have dropped since then.
See: Article Corrections

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