Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Kylix (Delphi for Linux) reviewed

it's been nearly 6 years since Kylix was released.

There was so many amazing reviews about Kylix. Here is my review.

I brought Kylix 1.0, 2.0 and then 3.0 and was very sorely disappointed. I consider it waste of money.

Delphi 6.0, 7.0 featured CLX components to allow cross-platform compatibility with Linux. There was much buzz about having credible, mature platform for developing applications on Linux.

The first thing to chime was memory leaks. Of course, what's wrong with memory leaks? the problem starts is when you open data connection, close it, the memory is not freed. After few hours, the application consumes all the memory and the Linux server goes down. You could fix it, but since Borland never gave out the sources for the CLX drivers and base (it's missing files) CLX library, you could never fix the bugs that Kylix had.

The next thing was many bugs were not fixed. Kylix 2.0 had no bug fix: it was just rehash of Delphi 7.0 code-base (instead of Delphi 6.0) updated to Linux. Kylix 3.0 was most amazing: Borland just recompiled to use QT3.0 instead of QT2.0 - without checking ANYTHING and NOT FIXING ANYTHING.

When Kylix came out, the TeamB were quick to cancel those nasty messages and interestingly enough, quick to ignore Kylix support.

[end of part 1].

Article update March 2013.
There is no part 2. There is an effort to update Kylix at: http://crosskylix.untergrund.net/

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