Sunday, May 24, 2009

Nearly Dead: ShellPlus fan mail.

This is fan mail for ShellPlus
Here is my email to T:

I know you love ShellPlus, please answer me the following:

1) Can you ask vendor to "put back" his forum?
location is at

2) Can you ask vendor to fix the Unicode issues,
like "upgrading" the whole library to use "Unicode"
correctly instead of "borrowing" from TMS/TNT Unicode?

Vendor should be bit more "honest" with using Unicode.
For example, instead of TSxWideString, TSxWideStringList
or TSxWide[Whataver], why not stop rename TNT library
and use it directly?

3) Can you ask vendor about frequent DEP errors?
There are three reasons for this. First is concurrency. If you allocate memory, you should make sure task should be in thread so that if user launches multiple file operation, it don't free memory accidentally.

That is, VCL = Single Thread, Explorer = Multi-Thread. If you use Single-Thread programming model for Multi-Thread integration, what will happen?

User starts intensive filecopy operation on C: drive
User starts intensive filemove operation on D: drive...

Second, is due to plain stupidity, for example, constant initialization of classes (class already exists in memory) when initializing in memory. You have explorer window1, 2, 3, 4, 5. and 1 shell integration. Do the maths... First Window - works okay, Second Window - works okay, Third Window - error, ....

Third, is Internet Explorer and Explorer integration. Sometimes the Explorer bars load into IE itself, nice feature, but not so nice when Internet Explorer crashes because of DEP, concurrency error.

BTW, when I talk about Internet Explorer, i refer to IE7 with new programming model and IE8...

4) Can you ask vendor about Vista issues, or "upgrade"
the library to use Shell 6.0 (Vista)?

5) Can you ask vendor to "fix" namespace problems, such as using "full" unicode, more robust shell error handling.

For example, most codes in ShellPlus NSE is in this manner:

// causes an exception
// causes another exception
// causes yet another exception

it really blew my head trying to debug the code due to all these silent exceptions.

Link to original post:
Nearly dead Shellplus reviewed

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