Monday, June 8, 2009

Welcome to Delphi Airlines. (or google for "MadTV airplane skit")

Keeping our customers happy.

Welcome aboard to Delphi Airlines.
It is 2007 and we are more committed to bug fixing than ever
and that's why we like to play important information to the roadmap (rarely updated)

First, please make sure you are securely licensed.
Licenses can be purchased at US$800 (+ US$150 more for S&H + Taxes and more)
To install, make sure you install it correctly by activating it correctly.
Too many activations, and you may have to call for customer-service.
To "resell" or sell an old version of Delphi, the resale value is US$0/- and you cannot sell it.

If you "activate" too many times, you may have to license it again. I know what you are thinking, I've never paid twice for the same license!

Once you install the product, customer-service may or may not contact you. You have to contact them instead.

Please take a moment to look at the documentation. The charge for buying at this documentation is US$50 + Shipping and Handling + Taxes (and 2 weeks delivery). The charge for not looking at this documentation is "priceless" ridicules in the Borland/Imprise/CodeGear(whatever) forums.

Each customer will be given very little documentation and TeamB may or may not answer your question. When answered, the replies are so brief and so little they make you look clueless.

Should you design mission critical systems using Delphi, there are so many issues and errors. Do not fear - there are many components and consulting services at US$200 per hour or more (depending on consultant).

my project is going to fail. I can't think...

As always, exact change is appreciated.

I know that some of you are concerned about getting "there" safely.
Enjoy your Delphi experience ;)


Sparrow said...

I have just hit the "too many activations, leave a support ticket" issue. I'm a dev, I regularly break something on my PC. I know I should image it so I can go back but I haven't.

It would be OK except that the web site allowing you to leave tickets NEVER F*ing WORKS! In fact most of the CodeGear, Embawotsit website either contains out of date info (support docs for D3...) or just doesn't respond.

So why this activation thing anyway ? M$ doesn't charge for VS Express and the full-fat VS doesn't need activating at all.

Complete nonsense.

Its not as if its much good when it works either. I have never managed to get a WSDL import to work first time using the Importer. And looking at the support boards I'm not the only one. Yet I import the same services into VS and they work - every single time.

Delphi Haters said...

hi sparrow,

no comment about the "activation issue"

for the WSDL import, that's a full blog post I have to write about it.

it's VERY curious that VS2005/2008 supports WSDL easily and it's just dumb that you have to buy some third-party library to use WSDL to work (or maybe, 50% of the time).