Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Unusual Post. How to prevent Delphi third-party software piracy

This is perhaps the most unusual post I've ever posted.
Some Delphi developers have posted what should be done about Delphi third-party piracy.

Here is my best advice:

Delphi has an option to create both DCU and BPL packages.

Interestingly, when it creates a BPL package, it can link to the BPL without any DCUs required. This is called dynamic linking.

Thus, you can link your trial DCUs and BPLs. The person will link to the trial BPL without requiring any DCUs

Of course, when you have DCUs, they are unprotected assembly files while BPLs can be protected (e.g., using AssProtect, Arnie Armdillo).

Make me a BPL!
The most successful Delphi vendors I've seen never ship any DCUs with their trial products, they only ship BPLs. Much to the amusement, these vendors get lots of sales and healthly profits.

The vendors who are struggling often provide Trial-DCUs and sooner or later, cracked versions of their DCUs are floating around on the Internet.

DelphiHater's advice to all Dephi third-party vendors out there:
Start shipping your trial products with BPL only.

No DCUs are required to create the trial. Product your product using some copy-protection.
Then, watch how your trial customers get really pissed-off, and how they need to "buy" :)

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